Download the below form here:

SensePlanner Sensory Interview

Date of assessment: ____/____/____

Client Name: __________________________________                                DOB: ___/___/___

Diagnosis: __________________________________________________________________________________________




Reason for Assessment: __________________________________________________________________________________________




Location of Assessment: __________________________________________________________________________________________


People present during assessment:



Goals: (list goals relevant to sensory assessment)








General Health: (other general health conditions)






Social Situation: (who does the client live with, number of siblings, any other social factors)






Home Environment:

Home ownership:           

Privately owned ☐       Housing NSW ☐       Private rental ☐ (agency details): ______________________

Other: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Property details:                              

House ☐              Single storey / Two storey                Unit ☐                   Town house ☐                    Villa ☐

Length of tenure: ___________        

Observations:  (light, noise, presence of clutter)






Informal Supports: (include carer details relationship to client, DOB, other roles performed by carer, employment status)







Allied health/medical supports: (e.g. medical specialists, behaviour support practitioner, physio, EP, speech, music therapist, dietician, psych (include provider and frequency))







Client’s weekly routine: (school, work, social interactions, regular and occasional activities)















Sensory History:

Likes:   Consider: Types of food? Textures? Clothes? Sounds? Music?           
Dislikes:   Consider: Types of food? Textures? Clothes? Sounds? Music?             

Current and Previous Sensory Strategies used: (details of strategies, how long were they used, were they successful for a period of time then no longer successful)










Sensory AT used by client:

(what AT does client currently use, what has been used successfully or unsuccessfully in the past)








Behaviour During Assessment:














Occupational therapist: _________________Signature: ________________________  Date: ___/___/___